
C-V2X: ADAS和自动驾驶汽车的第六感

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Automotive advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) and autonomous technologies often rely on sensors like cameras, 雷达和激光雷达探测车辆周围的情况. The data from these sensors is sent to in-vehicle systems that process it and respond instantaneously. As a result, 该车辆可以探测到即将到来的障碍物,甚至可以自动触发响应, 比如加速或刹车, 比人类司机快多了.

While the traditional perception sensors can provide a 360-degree view around the vehicle, they still have limitations. For example, 他们看不到街角或城镇的另一边, nor can they alert drivers to hazards or slowdowns before they are encountered on the road. Further, these systems rely on artificial intelligence (AI) to interpret the visual data they receive, 在某些边缘情况下,哪些会导致对象被错误识别.

Cellular vehicle-to-everything (C-V2X) communication addresses the shortcomings of perception sensor-based systems and gives cars a “sixth sense” — a critical new way of understanding their environment and navigating the road ahead.

Moving 超越视线能力

As explained by Autotalks作为C-V2X连接解决方案的领先供应商,C-V2X使汽车成为可能 to communicate with each other and with any other C-V2X-enabled objects in their environment, 包括交通灯或行人, 使用专用无线频谱. 与传统的复制视觉的传感器不同, C‑V2X can “see” around corners and beyond any obstruction within a radius of up to one mile.

“C-V2X is a sensor like lidar, like radar, like cameras, like ultrasonic,” explains Amos Freund, AutoTalks的研发副总裁. “But C-V2X has a counterpart on the ‘other side’ to communicate with: V2V (vehicle) or V2I (infrastructure.) And C-V2X is the only sensor with non-line-of-sight capability; it can see behind obstacles. In addition, 它可以在任何天气或光照条件下(如雾)运行和“看到”, night and direct sunlight.从本质上讲,C-V2X为驾驶体验带来了第六感.

C-V2X系统必须提供关键任务性能和可靠性, Autotalks observes, with high receiver sensitivity and the range and computational bandwidth to accommodate a maximum number of messages. 从另一辆车——无论远近——发送信息都不是一个选择.

Autotalks claims that a two-sided C-V2X interaction can identify objects with much greater certainty than visual AI systems can. 下一代C-V2X将允许一辆车的感知传感器检测物体, 那辆车的处理引擎对物体进行分类, 结果被传送到C-V2X系统,然后广播给其他车辆. The system accomplishes this through a combination of hardware and software: processing subsystems, hardware accelerators, internal and external memory subsystems and the software stack that provides the intelligence.

According to Autotalks, C-V2X technology can dramatically improve road safety; it helps drivers avoid collisions and other dangerous situations by communicating efficiently with other vehicles and transportation infrastructure. Through these communications, driver-assistance and autonomous driving systems receive alerts prompting changes in route or other interventions to avoid trouble on the road. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's estimates show that approximately 4.如果全面实施C-V2X,每年可减少500万起交通事故 systems1Autotalks预计,这项技术很快就能直接改善汽车的移动性, 因为车辆会协调他们选择的路线,以减少和消除交通堵塞.

Inside of a car with lights


This new technology demands a constant, reliable flow of data without any breaks in communication. Ensuring constant communication requires a memory solution that will not only fit into the footprint of a small shark fin antenna but can also withstand the harshest environments.

Fortunately, Micron auto-qualified DRAM ensures excellent performance, 为C-V2X等关键任务应用提供坚固性和系统可靠性.

“By 2026, the communication will be beyond vehicles, to pedestrians and to bicycles,” Freund notes. “这种情况可能发生在智能手机和可穿戴设备上 or tags attached to a backpack. 这是一个完全动态的视觉网络, 不断更新,为所有用户提供安全保障, not just drivers.”

一些估计表明会有 5.到2022年底,将有800万个V2X节点到2021年底,节点数量将是预计数量的三倍. 随着来自其他车辆和交通基础设施的数据的加入, 带宽需求急剧增加. 今天,这些C-V2X网络是20mhz. In these future scenarios, we will need at least another 40 MHz of bandwidth as well as specific 5G capabilities that support highly automated driving. 这只是网络本身. 当你开始在网络上添加新应用程序的功能时, 内存需求将继续增加.

“As this gets more sophisticated, memory performance needs to increase,” Freund continues. “但我们也需要低功耗,不仅是为了电池寿命,也是为了热条件. 如果你在死亡谷开车,那和明尼苏达州是不一样的. 因此,功耗必须非常低. Finally, everything has to be super compact to fit in the car between the sheet metal of the roof and the headliner an extremely small footprint.” Compact memory is paramount for Autotalks since the shark fin antenna contains the entire network access device: the modem, C-V2X功能所需的处理器和内存.

C-V2X的另一个关键组成部分是安全性. Unauthorized injections of data — that is, hacking — could render the C-V2X dynamic network useless. For this reason, every bit of information that runs through the network is authenticated. Anytime a car manufacturer introduces a new system, it must receive credentials to ensure security. Autotalks promises to continue delivering hardware and software security modules to safeguard these networks.


Autotalks forecasts that C-V2X’s implications for safety and traffic congestion could be staggering. C-V2X有望提供一种新的途径,帮助我们实现更安全、更少拥堵的道路. 内存是如此重要的组成部分, Autotalks选择了一个前沿, 可靠的合作伙伴,推动其创新. Autotalks trusts the capabilities and reliability of Micron auto-qualified DRAM to deliver a mission-critical application like C-V2X.

Micron is working with Autotalks to enable today’s and tomorrow’s vehicles to communicate in new ways— to enhance that sixth sense. 很快,这些车辆将成为 动态和完全互联的网络允许数据在近实时共享. C-V2X technology is foundational to enabling an efficient and safe mobility experience to all users.

For 30 years, Micron has been the leader in the automotive memory and storage solutions that are facilitating this transformation. Micron’s continuous investment in automotive solutions and comprehensive automotive portfolio strengthen our role as trusted advisors across the entire global ecosystem for the next 30 years. 

有关Autotalks尖端C-V2X解决方案的更多信息,请访问 auto-talks.com.

For more on Micron’s leading memory solutions and 30-year commitment to the automotive market, visit kingpaq.com/automotive.

1资料来源:国家公路交通安全管理局, 车对车通信:V2V技术的应用准备,” August 2014. http://www.nhtsa.gov/staticfiles/rulemaking/pdf/V2V/Readiness-of-V2V-Technology-for-Application-812014.pdf

